Tag Archives: published_before_clean

DAT301 – Timer

Here is the simple Timer class that I mentioned in the previous post.

// Timer
// author Jo Redwood jred.co.uk

class Timer{
  int period; // milliseconds
  int time;
  int lastTime = 1;
  int timer;
  boolean active = false;
  boolean running = true;

  Timer(int newPeriod){
    period = newPeriod;

  void update(){
      time = millis();
      if(time - lastTime >= period){
        lastTime = time;
        active = true;
        timer = 0;
        active = false;

  void setPeriod(int newPeriod){
    period = newPeriod;

  // Resumes the timer
  void start(){
    running = true;

  // Pauses the timer
  void stop(){
    running = false;

  boolean active(){
    return active;


Timer timer;
void setup(){
  timer = new Timer(500);
void draw(){
    // Do stuff

DAT301 – QuakeCam

For this project we were given the brief to use an RSS feed to manipulate a piece of video and/or audio media.

The group once again comprised of Simon BattyRachael Dalton and myself.

We experimented with a number of effects for manipulating images, we really liked the idea of giving video a 3D based on the brightness of each pixel, bringing them close the brighter they are. We decided to use a webcam as the source of video, our reason for this is that we wanted it to be interactive.

The distorted effect led us to choose our source of data which was earthquake data for the last 24 hours with a magnitude of over 1.

My main focus during this project was to work on a robust and reusable ‘RSS Player’ that could play through a RSS feed and continuously update in the background without freezing the sketch which was of particular importance as it was displaying video. To do this I used threading to create a separate thread in which data could be fetched from the internet.

I created a RSSFetch class that extended SimpleThread which in turn extends the Thread class. This object could then be created with the url and time interval to update in the constructor. The object would then in it’s separate thread continuously fetch the data for the feed. When new data becomes available it sets its available property to true, the RSS class detects this and retrieves the new data from RSSFetch’s xml property and uses its setUsed() method to mark the data as old.

The RSS class then uses a timer to cycle through the data provided by RSSFetch setting its ‘current’ property which is an XML object. I made a timer class that allows you to avoid using delay() and freezing the entire sketch. The RSS class has methods that use the Timer’s methods to pause, play and alter the speed.

DAT301 – Fickleduino Conceptual

Our concept was that of a complaining device that could never be happy; that through a simple text display could provoke humans into vain attempts to please it and eventually become annoyed by it.

Everything the Fickleduino is aware of, it will complain about. If a user is too close they are invading it’s personal space, if they are too far it complains of loneliness. There is no happy middle ground, if the value is above or below or equal to a set point it will complain.

It would be possible for many senses could be added (Hot – Cold, Light – Dark, Wet – Dry, Fast – Slow, Near- Far, Loud – Quiet).

The purpose of Fickleduino is to see how people interact with inanimate objects that display awareness and personality via text.

DAT301 – Fickleduino Technical

For Fickleduino we had to stretch our technical ability with the arduino. It was the first time any of us had used a LED display or ultrasonic rangefinder with one. I bought the display as part of a kit along with a number of sensors including the rangefinder, light dependent resistors(LDRs) and various other parts.

We found a simple wiring diagram for wiring the LCD in 4bit mode, in this mode it can only display ASCII characters but this was fine for our purposes. Wiring in 8bit mode would involve additional wires.

The diagram doesn’t show it but you also have to provide power to A – pin15 (positive) and K – pin16 (negative) on the display for the back light.

The Arduino website has these resources:

In a simple Arduino program you may want something to happen at a regular interval like toggling a LED:

void loop() {
  digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
  delay(1000); // wait for a second
  digitalWrite(13, LOW);
  delay(1000); // wait for a second

As a single threaded device the Arduino completely freezes during these delays so if you wanted to have multiple things run at different intervals for example every 300ms and every 500ms, using delay is not practical.

unsigned long updateLastMillis = 0;
unsigned long scrollLastMillis = 0;

boolean cycleCheck(unsigned long *lastMillis, unsigned int cycle)
  unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
  if(currentMillis - *lastMillis >= cycle){
    *lastMillis = currentMillis;
    return true;
    return false;
void loop(){
  if(cycleCheck(&scrollLastMillis, 300)){
    // Do stuff
  if(cycleCheck(&updateLastMillis, 500)){
    // Do stuff

The cycleCheck function was written by dmesser and posted on the Arduino forum. This useful function allows you to create multiple timers and avoid using delay.

Combining the two of these together allowed us to marquee the text on the 16×2 LCD display with independent timings from the sensors collecting information.

Every 300ms the Arduino incremented a counter which served as the offset for a 16 character long substring of the output message.  The output message contained three dash separated copies of the actual message to be displayed so that when it reached the end of the message it would loop back around continuously.

Each sensor has it’s own class that encapsulated code specific to it and made it modular; each have a getValue() and complain() method which sets the currently displayed message to one of it’s pre-written complains based on whether it’s higher or lower than the middle value. The Light class made use of an adaptive middle value as different lighting environments give very different values despite appearing to be the same with human eyes.

DAT301 – Fickleduino

We were given a broad brief to play around with some Arduino boards and come up with an idea that made use of them to be presented 2 weeks later. Our group comprised of Simon Batty, Rachael Dalton and myself.

We took the first week coming up with various ideas for the project and ordered several components we could use with the Arduino Mega 2560 I had used for Weather Transplant. Playing with the components allowed us to think about how a user could interact with them and how they could be applied to demonstrate an interesting and fun concept.

We went through a number of different ideas including a runaway computer mouse, a camera trapped fridge and a censoring twitter viewer before settling on our final idea.

The final concept we arrived at was to create a machine that observed its surroundings and complained about them on a LCD display. The device would complain on both sides of a threshold value with no possible state of contentment.

Our demonstration featured two sensors, a Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) and an ultrasonic range finder. If a person or object was to get too close it would complain about its personal space being violated but if nothing was detected in its range it would complain of loneliness. Based on readings from the LDR the machine would complain about the light being too bright or too dim.

The code is designed in such a way that each sensor and its associated complaints are modular so that different sensors can be easily added.

DAT302 – Everyware

The ‘Everyware’ module looks at the trend towards creating an internet of things, how through the embedding of computers, sensors and electronics in materials and objects systems can be created between them. The name Everyware combines ‘ware’ as in hardware or software and the word everywhere.

The term ‘Internet of Things’ was coined by Kevin Ashton who co-founded the Auto-ID Center at MIT which created a global standard RFID system.

IDAT210 – Weather Transplant

Full readme: here.

Research was carried out to identify the necessary components for the project and the means of operating them alongside development. Specialist parts were purchased and ordered along with a number of spares so that in the eventuality of components failing they could serve as immediate replacements. Development of the main components was done in isolation from each other to ensure modularity for potential future expansion and clarity in the code.

Work on the device itself started by creating a code function for calculating the speed at which each of the fans will need to run at to provide full three hundred and sixty degree control over wind direction. I chose to use processing for this task as I could create a visual interface and use it to send information to an arduino using a serial connection. I chose to use them for their simplicity and open source design ethic which fosters creativity and hobbyist development.

The software calculates the positions of each fan in a circle and measures the distance from the nearest position/s to the required angle. This distance is then mapped and converted into a percentage figure for the speed of each fan. This is mapped again to a value between zero and 255 which is accepted for arduino’s analogOut function for controlling its Pulse Width Modulation duty cycle. If the duty cycle – which is the percentage of the time that something is on – on a 12v signal is 50% then the effective voltage is 6v as the signal switches on and off very rapidly. Through this I can programmatically control the speed at which the fans run. As the arduino only outputs a maximum of 5v and I required 12v I experimented with MOSFET transistors. When powered by the 5v signal from the arduino the transistor allows current on a 12v rail from a computer power supply to pass through. As this is switching rapidly for the PWM signal it has the effect of amplifying it.

For the sake of simplicity I replaced the transistor with a ULN2003 DIP chip which could do the job for all of the fans in a single component.

The wind portion of the device has six 140mm 12 volt desktop computer fans arranged in a ring facing inwards so that they draw air from the surrounding area.

After assembling this I improved the software by adding controls so that users can manually manipulate the device.

The second major component was the temperature sensor that would be necessary for controlling the heating system which would need to know the current temperature so that it could switch off when above the target temperature of on when below it. For this I used a digital thermometer chip which can be run off the arduino. The software on the arduino board reads this information and uses it to calculate the difference between the desired temperature and the current one. From this the states of heating and cooling elements can be controlled. This feedback loop regulates the system continuously.

The final component was the method for heating the space. After considering the use of heating elements I decided to use light bulbs as the source of heat. Wishing to avoid meddling with mains electricity I chose to use a remote control plug kit. I took apart the remote and worked out how it functioned so that I could circuit bend it for control by the arduino. Eventually I got the system working but during testing it inexplicably stopped functioning.

I decided to go for a more elegant yet more dangerous solution and use simple relays instead which I wired into the base of the three desk lamps for safety. Out of each lamp are two lines, when 12 volts are passed through it the relays switch on providing power to the 60 watt bulb. The three lamps were positioned around the fans pointing inwards. The lamps heat up the air within the space. A limitation of this open system is that new colder air is blown into the device and the warm air exits it through a combination of convection currents and the effect of the fans. In later versions this would be addressed with an enclosure that helps conserve air within the system whilst allowing venting to assure a quick transition between temperatures and user access.

At the end of development the separate elements were brought together and a single piece of arduino code was created to control them containing an even more simplified version of the simple analogue firmata. A reserved analogue pin was used to receive the target temperature from the processing sketch which it compares against the current temperature and controls the lamps. Due to the calculations involved I left fan control handling to the processing sketch, later versions may have greater independence from the host computer.

Final wiring diagram:

Latest Arduino Source:

#include <Firmata.h>
#include <OneWire.h>

OneWire ds(2);
byte data[12];
byte analogPin = 0;

int lamps[3];

float tTemp = 20;

void analogWriteCallback(byte pin, int value){
    if(pin == 3) {
       tTemp = (value-128)/2;
    if (IS_PIN_PWM(pin)) {
        pinMode(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), OUTPUT);
        analogWrite(PIN_TO_PWM(pin), value);

void setup(){
    Firmata.setFirmwareVersion(0, 1);
    Firmata.attach(ANALOG_MESSAGE, analogWriteCallback);


void loop(){
    while(Firmata.available()) {

void controlLamps(float currentTemp, float targetTemp){
    float delta = currentTemp - targetTemp;
    //delta = -2;

    if(delta <= 1){
    if(delta <= -2){
    if(delta <= -4){

float getTemp(){
  byte i;
  byte present = 0;
  byte addr[8];

  if (!ds.search(addr)){
  present = ds.reset();

  for ( i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
    data[i] = ds.read();

  int tempdata = data[0]*1;
  return float(tempdata/2)+(float((tempdata%2)*5)/10);

Latest processing source:

import processing.serial.*;
import cc.arduino.*;
import controlP5.*;

ControlP5 control;
float windSpeed = 50;
float angleKnob = 0;

Arduino arduino;

XMLElement xml;
float angle = 0;

float temp = 25;

int additional = 0;

fans f;

void setup(){
  f = new fans(6, 33, 100);
  arduino = new Arduino(this, Arduino.list()[0], 57600);

  arduino.pinMode(3, Arduino.INPUT);
  arduino.pinMode(7, Arduino.OUTPUT); 
  arduino.pinMode(8, Arduino.OUTPUT);
  arduino.pinMode(9, Arduino.OUTPUT);
  arduino.pinMode(10, Arduino.OUTPUT);
  arduino.pinMode(11, Arduino.OUTPUT);
  arduino.pinMode(12, Arduino.OUTPUT);

  control = new ControlP5(this);

void draw(){
 // println(round(f.getFans()[1]));
  arduino.analogWrite(3, round(temp*2)+128);
  angle = angleKnob;
  arduino.analogWrite(12, round(map(f.getFans()[0], 0,100,0,255 )) + additional);
  arduino.analogWrite(11, round(map(f.getFans()[1], 0,100,0,255 )) + additional);
  arduino.analogWrite(10, round(map(f.getFans()[2], 0,100,0,255 )) + additional);
  arduino.analogWrite(9, round(map(f.getFans()[3], 0,100,0,255 )) + additional);
  arduino.analogWrite(8, round(map(f.getFans()[4], 0,100,0,255 )) + additional);
  arduino.analogWrite(7, round(map(f.getFans()[5], 0,100,0,255 )) + additional);

void getData(){
  //angle = constrain(angle + random(-5,5),0,360);
  String url = "http://www.isleofwightweather.com/rss.xml";
  xml = new XMLElement(this, url);
  String desc = xml.getChildren("channel/item/description")[0].getContent();
  String[] strs = split(desc,'|');
  float angle = float(match(strs[10], "[0-9,.]+")[0] );
  temp = float(match(strs[2], "[0-9,.]+")[0] );

class fans{
  float angle;
  float strength;
  int numFans;
  float segAng;
  float[] fans = new float[12];
  float[] posX = new float[12];
  float[] posY = new float[12];
  float angPosX;
  float angPosY;

  fans(int newNumFans, float newAngle, float newStrength){
    strength = newStrength;
    angle = newAngle;
    numFans = newNumFans;
    segAng = 360/numFans;
    for(int i = 0; i < numFans;i++){
      float X = (cos(radians(i*segAng)) * (80 - i)) + 100;
      float Y = (sin(radians(i*segAng)) * (80 - i)) + 100;
      posX[i] = X;
      posY[i] = Y;
  void display(){
    if(angle > 360) angle = 0;
    line(width/2, height/2, getAngPosX(angle,strength/2),getAngPosY(angle,strength/2));
    for(int i = 0; i < numFans;i++){
      float X = (cos(radians(i*segAng)) * (80 - i)) + width/2;
      float Y = (sin(radians(i*segAng)) * (80 - i)) + height/2;
      ellipse(X, Y, 25, 25);
  void update(){
    for(int i = 0; i < numFans;i++){
      fans[i] = 0;
      if(angle >= ((i-1)*segAng)&&(angle < ((i+1)*segAng))){
        fans[i] = map(dist(getAngPosX(angle,80),getAngPosY(angle,80),posX[i],posY[i]),80,0,0,strength);
        if((i == numFans-1)&&(fans[i-1] == 0)){
          fans[0] = 100 - fans[i];
  float[] getFans(){
    return fans; 
  void setStrength(float newStrength){
    strength = newStrength;
  void setAngle(float newAngle){
    angle = newAngle;
  private float getAngPosX(float a, float r){    
    return (cos(radians(a)) * r) + width/2;
  private float getAngPosY(float a, float r){
    return (sin(radians(a)) * r) + height/2;