One possibility we have explored is that because of the way we have observed Union street to be used as a conduit rather than a destination with the vast majority of people passing through the space without interacting within it. The idea is to use two of these devices positioned at either end of Union Street or multiple devices along it. This would allow us to add another dimension to our projected visualisation. For example speed can be calculated by collating devices that have matching unique ID’s to form a narrative. At one location a person’s device is detected, the time is recorded and the person continues down the street where their device is detected by another scanner and the time is logged. The time difference can be calculated and if the distance is known then an approximate speed can be given.
From the speed we can also try to predict how the device is being carried. 1.5m/s would suggest walking speed whereas something faster would possibly indicate the use of a car.
IDAT106 – Bluetooth device location
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