IDAT106 – Collecting data from Stonehouse for Visual Representation – Initial Ideas

In the IDAT106 module, having been split into groups, we have been tasked with collection of data from Stonehouse, an area of Plymouth, for use in an abstract form to be presented as art that with context can convey information in a fresh and interesting way.

Fortunately for me I happen to live in Stonehouse and know the area very well so my “local knowledge” should be quite useful.

Using an aerial photograph from google maps as a starting point our group split up to each develop our own separate ideas and themes for the project.

One of my intial ideas was to map the areas of green (trees, grass and plants) verses the areas of grey (buildings, roads ect). This led onto the idea of working out the overall colour of parts of the area and eventually to pixilate images to the extent there is only one remaining colour that can be used to describe the location. By combing these into a mosaic they can become a texture into which over data can be reprisented as the height of each tile. As not every location in the area can be accessed, this could possibly take place along a route or journy along with the collected data.

Using the inital aerial photograph I made this example of how this “texture” could appear. This average colour information could also be used in a different, more abstract, form to compliment the data and provide meaning. For example landuse would relate well with the colour. Also the level of detail and size of each pixel can be changed.

I feel that it should retain some context and meaning rather then becoming entirely abstract yet I would like it to be aesthetically appealing.

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