After a number of versions which were progressively less insane I eventually found the right balance with this one. The main font I have used is Lucida Sans for the large text and a relatively obscure font called Vani for the diagonal white overlaying text which helps break up the solid block and represent complexity in my identity. I chose both fonts based on aesthetics. I was able to align the top ‘n’s with the bottom ‘d’s using varying point sizes for individual letters of text and different spacing between them. This shows my desire for perfection yet the alignment is not perfect reflecting an element of laziness which acts against it. To add some variation to the image I coloured the two ‘o’s in blue and moved them closer together forming the symbol for infinity. The choice for colour was also based on visual aesthetics but could also reflect national identity despite this not necessarily being a significant factor. I feel the overall effect of the image is that it comes across pleasant and warm yet complex.
Got my result for this and scored 80/100 joint 1st with 4 others. Nice.