IDAT102 – Flashgame tweaking

There were a number of things with my flash game that I wasn’t completely satisfied with. One was the music which over time got annoying and inflated the filesize, this was a big problem on my current hosting so I have replaced the audio with a looping 10 second clip of silence so that the workaround still functions and I can re-add music later with ease along with a preloader.

In addition to this I also fixed a bug with the weather feed reading component in which it could not work with negative temperatures or temperatures above 9 degrees by enlarging the range for the substring part and using parseInt. I also updated it to use my new domain.

temp = weather.substring(13,15);
temp = parseInt(temp);

For its continued use I decided to make it so that the effect of temperature could be enabled or disabled by editing the Boolean value of a single variable.

var tempSwitch = false;

if (tempSwitch) {
//temperature finder stuff
} else {
temp = 10;

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